Clash Royale

Clash Royale is one of the most popular games today, developed and published by Supercell.

This real-time strategy game is loved by a lot of players around the world.

The game contains elements from card game, multiplayer battle arena and tower defense.

A game can be played by 2 or 4 players (1v1 or 2v2). The objective is to destroy the most enemy towers as possible, and destroying the “King’s Tower” the victory is immediate.

Available for iOS and Android platforms the game is free-to-play.

The Clash Royale League is an official championship on the league format created by Supercell, you can read more about the tournament here.

With Challenge Place you can make your own Clash Royale tournament and customize it as you wish.

There are a lot of possibilities, you can for example, choose which stage type you want for your tournament, table style stage or a bracket stage.

You can also have stages of both styles in the same tournament!

Create your game schedule manually or let Challenge Place draw and automatically create all games for you, creating the complete schedule in a few clicks.

In our modern real-time match screen, in addition to managing the scoreboard, you can add events in the timeline and generate fun statistics.

Events and Statistics supported for Clash Royale in Challenge Place

  • Towers destroyed
    • Stats
      • Score
      • Towers destroyed
      • Crowns
  • King’s Towers destroyed
    • Stats
      • Score
      • Towers destroyed
      • King’s Towers destroyed
      • Crowns
  • Tiebreaker Crowns
    • Stats
      • Score
      • Crowns

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