How can I generate statistics for my challenges

Statistics are automatically generated by Challenge Place based on events posted on a timeline tab in the match screen.

How to add an event?

To add an event click on the “Add event” red button available in the “Timeline” tab of a match.

When clicking on the button a pop-up will be displayed with the event options available for that modality.

In Challenge Place, each modality has specific events, such as “Kill” for Counter Strike or “Goal” for football.

There are hundreds of events at Challenge Place for you add in your matches. You can assign statistics to a team and also to a player.

And the statistics?

Based on these events, Challenge Place automatically generates statistics for you. You can access the statistics screen by clicking on the “Statistics” tab of your challenge.

In the statistics screen there are 2 options, Teams and Players, where the statistics are displayed according to how you add in your match timeline.

Related Events:

In Challenge Place we have events that we call “Related Events”, like “Assistances” for example.

A related event is an event that depends on another event to happen, never being able to exist alone, as for example in soccer an Assistance needs a Goal to be able to happen.

How add a related event, like “Assists”?

The related event is an option within “Advanced Options” that is available when you are adding a “parent” event.

To add assists for example:

  • Add a “Goal” (or “Point”) event and select a team
  • Select the team, an option called “Advanced options” will be displayed.
  • When opening this option you will have the possibility to add the “Assist”, here you can select the player who provided the assistance.

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