Stellar 4 (2024-2025 Season)

College Football 25
Interview with Alabama Tech Xis’ Orion Dumer: Star Receiver Reflects on Playoff Push and Dominant Season
12 days ago - 9/7/2024 9:16 PM GMT-3
As the Alabama Tech Xis secure the second seed in the Stellar 4 playoffs, wide receiver Orion Dumer has been a standout performer, with 102 receiving yards, 7 receptions, and an impressive 5 receiving touchdowns. We caught up with Dumer to discuss the Xis’ season, his own breakout performances, and their playoff outlook.


**Interviewer:** *Orion, congrats on securing the second seed! How do you feel about the Xis’ performance so far this season?*

**Orion Dumer:** *Thanks! Man, it’s been a wild ride. We came into this season knowing we had the pieces to compete, but to finish 4-1 and be the second seed, it just feels good. Everyone’s locked in, and we’ve found ways to win even in tough games. We’re clicking at the right time, and that’s what you need heading into the playoffs.*


**Interviewer:** *You’ve put up some strong numbers this season—102 receiving yards, 7 receptions, and 5 touchdowns. How have you managed to be such a key part of the Xis offense?*

**Orion Dumer:** *Honestly, it’s all about chemistry with our quarterback and the coaching staff putting me in good spots. We’ve really worked on perfecting routes, timing, and just finding those open windows in defenses. I’m always hungry to make the play, whether it’s a big catch or getting into the end zone. Our O-line gives our QB the time he needs, and it’s just been about capitalizing on those opportunities.*


**Interviewer:** *Five touchdowns on just seven receptions—that’s some efficiency! What’s been the key to converting your catches into points?*

**Orion Dumer:** *Yeah, it’s been crazy how things have worked out. I think it comes down to making the most of each chance I get. Whether we’re in the red zone or pushing downfield, I just focus on securing the catch and then making something happen. I trust my instincts, and once I get the ball, my mentality is, “get into the end zone.” Plus, our offense has done a great job putting us in scoring positions.*


**Interviewer:** *Your game against the Polars in Week 7 was a tight 14-10 win. What was your mindset going into that game, knowing a playoff spot was on the line?*

**Orion Dumer:** *That was a tough one for sure. The Polars are a strong team, and we knew it would be a grind. For me, it was all about staying focused, being ready when my number was called, and helping the team however I could. That game was all about execution. Our defense held it down, and offensively, we found ways to punch through when it mattered most. Winning that game showed us we’re ready for anything in the playoffs.*


**Interviewer:** *Now that you’re in the playoffs, how do you feel about the Xis' chances? Do you see yourselves going all the way?*

**Orion Dumer:** *Absolutely, I do. We’ve been dominant all season, and we believe we can take this all the way. We’ve got a balanced team—strong defense, solid run game, and when it’s time to air it out, I’m ready to make plays. We just need to stick to what’s been working, stay sharp, and trust each other. The Huskies are undefeated, but we’re not afraid of anyone. We’re coming for that championship.*


**Interviewer:** *What’s been the highlight of the season for you personally?*

**Orion Dumer:** *I’d say my two-touchdown game against the Polars earlier in the season. It felt like every play was clicking, and those scores really gave us the edge we needed. But overall, just being part of this team, fighting for every win—it’s been special.*


**Interviewer:** *What’s your message to Xis fans as you head into the playoffs?*

**Orion Dumer:** *Get ready, because we’re just getting started! You guys have been amazing all season, and we’re going to give you everything we’ve got in the playoffs. Keep supporting us, and we’ll bring that championship home. Let’s get it!*


**Interviewer:** *Thanks for your time, Orion. Best of luck in the playoffs!*

**Orion Dumer:** *Thank you! Appreciate it.*


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