Liga Futsal MYS 2024

4 months ago - 5/18/2024 2:46 AM GMT-3
Kemenangan pasukan Selangor TOT United 7-1 keatas Felda United. Ini membuktikan bahawa Gergasi Merah masih hidup dan tidak putus harapan setelah kalah 8-1 terhadap Southern Tebrau FC yang perit untuk dihadap. Pengurus pasukan Selangor TOT United plsgivemeRobux211 berkata, "Saya berpuas hati dengan permainan mereka pada malam ini, saya pasti pemain-pemain saya juga berpuas hati dengan permainan dan prestasi mereka pada malam ini." Semoga Selangor TOT United terus bangkit dan melayakkan diri mereka ke pusingan seterusnya.

Selangor TOT United won 7-1 over Felda United. This proves that the Red Giants are still alive and don't lose hope after losing 8-1 to Southern Tebrau FC which is painful to face. Selangor TOT United team manager plsgivemeRobux211 said, "I am satisfied with their game tonight, I am sure my players are also satisfied with their game and performance tonight." Hopefully Selangor TOT United will continue to rise and qualify for the next round.
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