The LCN 2009 South Africa

last year - 12/15/2023 2:48 PM GMT-3
The South African nation celebrates as it begins to welcome teams from all around the world for the greatest stage of all; the Legendary Cup of Nations finals.

With some star teams missing - most notably LCN-winners Portugal, France and Italy - other teams less used to visiting final tournaments have already had trouble. The Ghanian cohort engaged in a fist fight with border police over pre-colonial tribal disputes, while the Russian players refused to train on sand.

Reports are also coming out of the Croatian camp that, upon arrival, some players got lost in the airport due to the staff not knowing how to count them. Captain (or future captain, I'm not sure) Modric said this to the LFA in a spontaneous interview:

"Last I counted we were 7. Weird, I thought 13 players played on each team. I guess we're that good".

Not everything has been chaos though; the South Africans held a glorious welcome for defending champions Spain, with traditional chants, foods and dances. The Spaniards were clearly confused, but did not share a similar reaction to that of Cortes' conquistadores in 'La Noche Triste' of 1520 (we encourage readers to look it up on Wikipedia to understand the joke). Reportedly, the Jamaicans - who for some reason share hotel with Spain - joined in on the dances.

This LCN promises to create new legends and new history - and we can't wait for the EXTRAVAGANZA to begin.
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